Our consultant led approach
Clinical support
Clinical Support plays an essential role, guiding everything we do
Our care packages are carefully drawn up to take into account their physical, social, emotional and psychological wellbeing.
We have an extensive and specialised assessment process so we create a care plan that reflects how they learn, communication and behave.
We are aware that circumstances change. We therefore have a flexible, responsive approach and operate regular reviews so that we can adapt our care accordingly, to meet a young person’s needs.
Our highly qualified team of psychiatrists, clinical psychologists and nurses is experienced in working with children and young people who require complex additional support.
All our care packages are backed with education and employment programmes where relevant and underpinned by the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) requirements and guidance (National Care Standards; Care Homes for Children and Young People).
Every home is supported by a consultant psychologist and a consultant psychiatrist who visit on a regular basis. They provide a range of services including:
- Psychological and mental health assessments.
- Psychological and psychiatric consultation sessions to develop a better understanding of the impact of a young person’s experiences and developmental disabilities.
- Support with care planning, reviewing of risk assessments and positive behaviour support plans.
- Attending review meetings and liaising with external agencies and professionals.
- Specialist clinical training.
- Direct therapeutic work (individual or group) drawing on range of evidence based therapeutic approaches.
- All young people are registered with a local doctor and supported to attend regular doctor, dentist, opticians, or any other identified medical appointments.
- They receive support in sexual health, diet, hygiene and maintaining good physical health.
- A Health Action Plan is planned for every young person to address all health issues and encourage them to take responsibility for their own welfare.
- We will support a young person with their learning and/or educational needs so they have the greatest possible chance of success.
- Our in-house education services have highly trained staff who are experienced in working with young people with learning disabilities, social, emotional, and behavioural difficulties. Students have access to a broad and balanced education programme that closely follows the national curriculum as well as offering opportunities to complete qualifications such as ASDAN, the Princes Trust, Duke of Edinburgh awards and the SQA Personal Achievement Awards.
- We work in partnership with external agencies and families to support the young person to maintain and develop family and social relationships and contact, if the young person wishes to do so and it is in their best interests.
- Young Foundations “model of development”.
- We support and encourage young people to:
- join groups
- try out new hobbies
- realise their potential/dreams/hopes/wishes
- develop and maintain new friendships
- We promote an environment where individuals from any religious or cultural background can be looked after and in line with their cultural and religious needs.
- We offer support and advice to help young people who may have difficulties looking after themselves so they can achieve the highest possible level of independence.
- A young person’s progress is monitored throughout their stay using a range of hard and soft measures.