Tile Sheds

I believe that every child has the ability to develop and change, when relationships are genuine, trusting and transparent

Staff Member – Tile Sheds

For children and young people between the ages of 10 and 18 who experience emotional and/or behavioural difficulties (EBD)

Tile Sheds Children Home is a detached cottage set in a beautiful rural location. Tile Sheds is registered with Ofsted to provide accommodation for up to two children, but currently operates as a solo placement. Tile Sheds is rated as an outstanding provider.

Our very experienced staff provide care, guidance and support for children and young people who:

Staff at Tile Sheds believe that children and young people benefit from living in a homely, non institutional, environment. Staff endeavour to help children and young people regain control of their lives by providing clear and consistent rules and boundaries together with non- judgemental warmth, acceptance and empathy. Staff work collaboratively and constantly review their practice to ensure that the support they provide is personalised and effective. The experienced, and skilled, staff work with a range of agencies and professionals to ensure that children and young people living in the Home receive holistic therapeutic care and support.

The staff team at Tile Sheds actively listen to children and young people and seek to understand each child. Relationships are positive and based on openness and respect allowing trust to develop.

Staff act as positive role models demonstrating such values as honesty and integrity and qualities such as resilience and resourcefulness. Carefully planned interventions and ongoing review ensures that children and young people receive a balance of support and challenge to help develop effective interpersonal and interpersonal skills and increased independence and self-reliance.

Make a placement enquiry:

01824 790600

Tile Sheds is the best placement I have ever been in. The staff support you by listening to you, talking to you and also helping you. I think that they are very passionate about what they do. I’m happy to be there. It’s placed in beautiful countryside with lots of animals and long walks. If you come to Tile Sheds you will build loads of fun memories.

Young Person – Tile Sheds

In just one word

We asked the people who work for us to sum up how they feel about Young Foundations in just one word.

Watch the video to see what they said.

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