Howard House

We pride ourselves on having a committed and diverse staff team who have created a friendly and homely environment

Staff Member – Howard House

Residential step-down service for children and young people aged 10 to 18

At Howard House "Every Child Matters" and quality is key. We work together with our young people, parents and professionals to ensure that they thrive and achieve positive outcomes.

We pride ourselves on having a committed and diverse staff team who have created a friendly and homely environment, where our young people are able to flourish, becoming independent and confident in themselves and everything they do.

The staff team at Howard House place great emphasis on building positive relationships, which allow a progressive and inclusive environment. We hope to empower children to make the decisions that will benefit their life chances. We treat every young person with unconditional positive regard, and the team foster the attitude that ‘every day is a new day’.

The staff team will offer positive guidance and direction, including helping our young people to understand and reflect on any impact their actions or behaviours may have on others, they will offer a supportive response that empowers our young people to be confident and self-assured whilst allowing personal identity and/or self-expression.

At Howard House we promote positive behaviour and choices by offering praise and support together with positive consequences.

Using a therapeutic parenting approach and building relationships encourages young people to flourish and grow in confidence as they begin to recognise their own potential and self-worth.
Many of our young people have complex needs and have experienced attachment disorder, trauma and loss often entering our home at a time of crisis. Our staff team support a clinical, therapeutic and nurturing living environment within Howard House.

We are proud to have a staff team who pride themselves on their level of commitment and consistency with all our young people and apply the principles of ‘good parenting’ throughout their practice. We strive to offer a safe ‘family’ environment that promotes healing as well as growth.

I am happy at Howard House , the staff have supported me even when I’ve been a pain, they have helped me with family contact and encouraged me to get it right in school.

Young Person – Howard House

In just one word

We asked the people who work for us to sum up how they feel about Young Foundations in just one word.

Watch the video to see what they said.

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