Acrefield House

We believe that every individual has the right to live as independently as possible with a choice of support that enables positive outcomes.

 Joanne Kennedy, Registered Manager

Residential step-down service young adults aged 16 to 25

Acrefield House is a safe, therapeutic, and nurturing environment for young adults. Acrefield offers additional support from our Forensic Psychologist, this enables a step-down placement from hospital.

Our home also supports young adults from a range of previous placements, such as, Foster Care and premature placement into Semi Supported or Supported Living. Or often bridging the gap for a child, that has outgrown a Children’s service and requires to be supported in adult residential environment, with a view to future independence.

As a 5-bed residential home, including a Semi- Independent flat provision, we aim to give “Extra care accommodation” supporting young adults from varying backgrounds, transition to an independent setting, that is appropriate to their needs, and in line with their rights, choices, wishes and needs.

Acrefield House offers our young adults a safe living environment, supporting and empowering independence, whist encouraging life choices and Social and Professional aspirations.

The home is designed, equipped, and maintained to provide safety, and a living environment that promotes a balance between, privacy, inclusion, fun, enjoyment, and independent living.

We believe that every Individual has the right to live as independently as possible with a choice of support that enables positive outcomes.

Make a placement enquiry:

01824 790600

Our vision for our young adults is to nurture, guide, support, and care for them, while promoting independence, helping them achieve their goals, and encouraging them to live their best lives.

Joanne Kennedy, Registered Manager